The Nowherenet IRC Network
Our Gear
Nowherenet runs the Unreal ircd. We offer irc services by Anope.
Our servers run Rocky or Alma linux with customizations for security and efficiency.
With the post-Centos mess that Red Hat dropped on everyone, selecting an appropriate operating system
on a long-term basis has been a moving target. Right now, we are trending towards Rocky 9x.
Our General Network Policies Governing Users
Unlike some other networks or the past and present, Nowherenet network administration takes
a hands-off approach to normal daily activity. We don't play big bad agenda-driven censors.
That would not be morally right. You have the right to freedom of expression.
What one person considers fun and good times can and will be totally different than
someone else's idea. If you don't like a channel, don't complain to the IRCOPs, leave the
channel. Just gtfo. We tolerate all points of view. Don't maliciously harass someone with a
different one than you. Our opers also do not remove channel bans set by OPs of a channel.
It's their channel. Do not ask for channel logs. We do not routinely keep any. The Network
administration, through it's IRCOPS, will take action on and stop illegal activty.
Examples of such would be channels whose primary purpose is media sharing,
porn distribution, hacked credit card swapping, pedophile activity, and the like.
Detection of illegal activity will result in the affected channel(s) being shut down and all
participants banned from the Network. In some cases law enforcement
may be contacted. Malicious attacks on users and channels, or channel/network
ban evasion on an ongoing basis will result in escalating enforcement actions.
Loading of excessive bots / drones on the network will trigger automatic bans similar to many other networks.
Everyone has to have some sort of guide framework as to how they run things.
Now you know ours. Have fun and keep IRC going :-)
Rev 27 December 2021